Why Compost?
Composting is a natural process that turns organic material into a dark, rich substance. This substance, called compost or humus, is a wonderful conditioner (or amendment) for your soil. It works for both indoor and outdoor plants.

What are the benefits of compost?
Organic matter is known as the “soul of a healthy soil.”  Adding compost to your yard or garden soil will help your plants grow bigger and healthier. The organic matter in compost helps soil hold on to nutrients and water, benefiting your plants while reducing the risk of pollution.

Composting saves you money.
Using compost as a soil conditioner or mulch reduces your need to purchase these lawn and garden products.

Composting is practical and convenient.
No need to bother bagging leaves and other garden/yard wastes. Simply add them to your backyard bin and watch these items turn into rich dark humus.
Composting is a good alternative to landfilling or incinerating.

Yard and garden wastes account for almost 20% of the total amount of trash thrown away each year. Your choice to compost reduces the need to burn or bury organic material and increases the quality of our precious topsoil.


If you follow the guidelines on what goes in/stays out, you should have little trouble with pests. Pests are normally attracted by high fat and protein foods such as meat, oils, cheese, fish and chicken but should not be a problem if you only include uncooked vegetable scraps, fruit peels and garden clippings.


There should be no odor if the pile is properly maintained. Remember to turn the mixture from time to time for proper aeration (oxygenation) and cover food scraps with either greens or browns.